2023 Cotton, Peanut, and Soybean Insect Scout Schools
Insect scouting schools will be conducted on June 5, 2023 in Tifton and June 13, 2023 in Midville. Crops to be covered include cotton, peanuts, and soybean. These programs offer basic information on insect pest identification and damage, natural enemies, and scouting procedures. The training will serve as an introduction to insect monitoring for new scouts and as a review for experienced scouts and producers. Program topics include, Bug and Larval Insect Pests, Beneficial Insects, Scouting Procedures, Safety, and an In-Field Review. Each program will begin at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 12:30 p.m.

Final Using Pesticides Wisely Training
The Georgia Department of Agriculture announced last week an additional opportunity to attend required 2023 UPW training. Most producers have probably already attended, but if there are employees and/or newly hired employees that need to attend in order to apply Engenia, XtendiMax, and Tavium, this is the final opportunity for 2023. Please see the information below from GA Department of Agriculture.

Final Using Pesticides Wisely (UPW) Training – Georgia 2023
As mandated by federal labels, Georgia applicators must complete the 2023 UPW classroom training before using the restricted use herbicides Engenia, XtendiMax, and Tavium. We are offering one final opportunity for attending this required training in 2023 at the following location:
UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center
15 RDC Road, Tifton, GA 31793
June 8th
1:30-3:00 pm.
Bring your pesticide license; 2 hours of pesticide credit for private or commercial will be offered. Attendees’ names will be placed on a list posted to the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s auxin website at https://agr.georgia.gov/dicamba; this link is different than in previous years!
You do not need to RSVP for this event. Please contact Jenny Wren at (404) 656-4958 or jennifer.wren@agr.georgia.gov for more information.