CORN – Much of the corn in the county is progressing in maturity. With the confirmation of southern corn rust in many counties in south Georgia, it is recommended for growers to consider protective sprays on corn fields until the corn has reached the early dough stage.
PEANUTS – In many fields, peanut vines are really spreading out and plants are blooming. We are still seeing crown rot in many fields, but it is affecting fewer plants as the plant growth progresses. Many growers have applied POST herbicide treatments for weed control. In some fields peanuts are beginning to lap and cover the middles. Now is the time to be diligent in a fungicide spray program – fields can be assessed for disease risk using the Peanut Rx, and a spray regimen put in place ( Growers need to be ready as disease pressure increases. On another note, lesser cornstalk borers are on the rise. Dr. Mark Abney, UGA Entomologist has a timely blog with details and helpful pictures on LCB infestations (click HERE to see the article).
COTTON – We have cotton in stages from emerging up to the 3rd/4th week of bloom. As the cotton progresses, keep a check on square retention and plant bugs. Also, some fields have seen a few spider mites and just a few whiteflies at this point.