A website from UGA Cooperative Extension


  • Peanut harvest is going very well from the feedback I have been getting. I would like to make a few comments on maturity and harvest. While checking maturity on the board, peanuts planted from April to the first 3-4 days of may were mature at 137-145 DAP (Days after planting). Peanuts from May 5 and on…

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  • October 1, 2018  Market Facilitation Program: What is available to cover my marketing losses from trade tariffs? Yangxuan Liu Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics University of Georgia U.S. Department of Agriculture releases details about the spending plans for $12 billion in trade aid package for farmers. The main component of the aid package is…

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  • Cotton: We have three diseases of significant importance in the field right now. 1. Boll rot. The rain and heavy vegetative growth we have seen this year has created perfect conditions for fungal boll rot. We are seeing a lot of it. We are not seeing a lot of bacterial boll rot, though some is…

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  • Peanut Maturity Clinic: In the past I have tried to limit peanut maturity clinics to certain times of the day. I do like to reserve times where I will schedule nothing else and I am willing to meet outside these times on per request. I will schedule peanut maturity clinics every day of the week…

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  • On Tuesday, September 4th, at 7:30 A.M. there will be a Turner County Cotton Defoliation meeting at the Turner County Extension office. Breakfast will be provided. UGA Cotton Agronomist, Jared Whitaker, will be the speaker. We have not had a defoliation meeting since I have been here and I really think it would be beneficial…

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  • Cotton Pest Update

    Before I describe pest pressure in the cotton crop, I would like to say that no two fields are similar and scouting is a must for good management of a crop. I don’t care if you do it personally, or hire a scout, just as long as it gets scouted properly. I briefly addressed the topics…

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  • Please see the notes below for disease management for corn and peanut.  CORN:  No southern rust has been found in Georgia to date.  Apparently, there is not a lot in Florida either.  Spores from Florida are typically a threat to our corn crop.  Little disease there means lower risk here in Georgia. Though no rust has been…

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  • Several of you have asked me about a calibration chart for the quart jar method. According to many of you, UGA had it on a chart many years ago that was titled “Willy Weed Calibration Chart”. I have found the charts that went on this publication. Click on the link below to access. Ms. Jill…

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  • Produce Safety Rule

    As the new Produce Safety Rule goes into effect, I would like to make growers aware of 2 items of importance:  An educational training will be required for an operation to be in adherence to the produce safety rule. There should be some of these meetings this fall. The Department of Agriculture is offering on…

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  • What a watermelon grower does with in the next 24 hours from this blog post could be beneficial for watermelon production and disease management. I would encourage you to follow my thought process below as I look at the importance of three factors this week and then determine what I think it all means. Disease Reports…

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