A website from UGA Cooperative Extension


  • GMOs in Your Food?

    At the County Agriculture Agent I work with farmers who are open to using GMO crops and farmers who are opposed to it. I try to be open to all approaches, while promoting good stewardship of the resources that we have. You won’t find me saying that organic is the only way or that all…

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  • Pollinator Gardening

    Even though we’ve had some warmer temperatures lately, real spring is still a little way off. That means it’s still a good time to dream and plan for your garden. Let’s talk about pollinator gardening, and some of the things to include in a good pollinator garden. Pollinators play a very important role in our…

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  • Freeze Damage

    A couple of months ago I wrote an article on the possibility of damage due to the very cold temperatures that we experienced over Christmas. I would like to revisit this topic, because now we are seeing more and more plants starting to try and grow that have freeze damage. Let’s talk about what to…

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  • As the soil temperatures are getting warmer, it’s time to think about planting. Let’s talk about planting in your garden and how deep you should plant seeds, transplants, or bulbs. Getting planting depth correct is really important. If seeds are planted to deeply they will struggle to germinate and grow through the soil to reach…

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  • Nutrients for Plants

    By now people have gardens in the ground and are hopefully thinking about the nutrients that the plants will need to survive. Let’s talk about some of the different sources of nutrients that can be used for plants in the garden. First off, I want to clear up that fertilizers and plant nutrients are not…

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  • Leyland Cypress 2023

    Leyland Cypress Leyland cypress trees are a very common and popular landscaping plant. They are planted by people all over Georgia. However, there are a couple of issues that are commonly seen in Leyland cypress trees. Let’s talk about Leyland cypress trees, what some of those issues are, and what steps you can take to…

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  • It was Cold

    It was cold. December 23-27 were some very cold days. One of the things that was unique about that cold was how early in winter it got cold, how low the temperature got, and how long the temperature stayed cold. Let’s talk about the cold and the impact that it could have on plants. All…

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  • Pollinator Gardening

    We all know the benefits of pollinators. Many of the crops that we grow would not be possible without pollinators. The State Botanical Garden of Georgia has a program where they designate four plants as the pollinator plants of the year. All four are native plants. The goal is to get more nurseries growing these…

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  • Galls

    Today I am going to talk about insect galls. I’ve gotten several questions from people that have seen something strange looking growing on their plant, and they wanted to know what it is. Galls can make a leaf look alien, but they rarely harm the tree. Let’s talk about some of them, what causes galls,…

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  • Soil Amendments

    There are many different things that you can add to your soil. You may see ads for different products claiming that they’ll do miracles for your garden. Alternatively, maybe you’ve always seen your grandparents put a special mixture on their soil and it did wonderfully every year. Soil is alive with microbes and complex chemical…

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