I know some of you are spraying now, and some are about to get started. Here are some results from the burndown trial Regan and I had with Dr. Prostko this year.
- All treatments were applied at 7 am on March 9, 2023 (15 GPA with AIXR11002 spray tips). The main weeds evaluated were wild radish (18-24″ tall, flowering) and red sorrel (20-32″ tall, flowering).
- In the first 14 days after treatment (DAT), low temperatures dropped below 45 F for 7 nights.
- Observations and pictures obtained on March 30 (21 DAT) are as follows:
Gramoxone 3SL (paraquat) @ 32 oz/A + Induce (0.25% v/v) was very effective. No other treatment was more effective in this test.

Any treatments with Roundup PowerMax3 (glyphosate) + either atrazine, 2,4-D, or dicamba were not as effective as anticipated based on my prior experiences. I suspect that the cold weather after application influenced the effectiveness of these treatments. Had I known it was going to be so cold, I probably would have bumped up the rate of Roundup slightly and/or used additional adjuvants (i.e. ammonium sulfate and/or crop oil).

Roundup + Reviton 2.83SC (tiafenacil) treatments were also very effective. Reviton label rotation restrictions are as follows: field corn = 0 days; soybean = 7 days; cotton = 7 days (1 oz/A) or 14 days (2 oz/A). Reviton peanut rotations restrictions are currently in the process of being reduced.