Here are a few questions Regan and I have been getting regarding burndown applications.
- What is the plant-back restriction for field corn following an application of 2,4-D?
- Plant-back restrictions for field corn after a burndown application of 2,4-D are 7 days (16 oz/A) or 10-14 days (>16 oz/A)
- If you can’t wait to plant field corn 7-14 days after applying 2,4-D, what other burndown options are available?
- Roundup (glyphosate) or Gramoxone** (paraquat) + Atrazine 4L (32 oz/A) is my first choice. There is no field corn plant-back restriction for these treatments.
- What is our current recommended pre-plant burndown program for peanuts?
- Roundup or Gramoxone** + Valor @ 2 oz/A + 2,4-D (1 pt/A). An additional 2 oz/A of Valor can be applied at planting. Peanuts can be planted anytime.
Here are some pictures from our field trial last year. We are currently conducting this study again.