UPW will be different from previous years. Here are the guidelines for this year:
- As mandated by federal labels, one must hold a private or commercial pesticide applicator license to purchase and use the restricted-use herbicides Engenia, XtendiMax, and Tavium. Use is limited to ONLY those persons holding a private or commercial applicator certification. It is no longer permissible for noncertified applicators to apply these products under the direct supervision of the certified applicator.
- Prior to applying these products in 2023, ALL applicators must be trained according to the federal labels.
- In Georgia, applicators must complete the 2023 UPW classroom training at the locations provided below.
- Individual and/or online training WILL NOT be available for 2023.
- Those needing pesticide credit but not applying Engneia, XtendiMax, or Tavium are welcome to attend.
- Bring your pesticide license; 2 hours of pesticide credit for private or commercial will be offered.
- The meeting will last about 1.5 hours; NO beverages or meals will be provided.
- Attendees’ names will be placed on a list posted to the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s auxin website at https://agr.georgia.gov/dicamba; this link is different than in previous years!