Here are some updates from the peanut year and some ideas for heading into next year.
2022 Peanut Year
- Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) was the biggest topic of the year. TSWV incidence ranged from 5%-50+% across the state. Peanuts treated with Thimet ranged from 5%-30% while peanuts treated with Imidacloprid ranged from 15%-50+%. I heard a lot of people saying, “I used Thimet like you said but I still have spotted wilt” well, it could have been worse. We do know that for every 1% of TSWV incidence in a field, there is an approximate 19-pound reduction per acre in yield. TSWV was bad this year, and even the folks who did everything right still had it. AMVAC has an incentive program for Smartbox equipment; the document is below.
- Peanut acreage was down 9.3% this year. We estimated 748,000 acres but wound up with 678,000 acres. The state average is 4179 lbs/A with 99.8 % Seg 1s. Grades were off 2-8 pts. The peanut hulls were not thicker; there just wasn’t much peanut in them. This could be an effect of the widespread TSWV. Peanut ending stocks are right around 1 million pounds; if that number drops, we could see an acreage increase next year.
- Here are a few things to keep in mind for next year
- Velum is a great option for nematodes and works well on crown rot
- Studies on Lesser Cornstalk Borers (LCB) showed that controlling this pest can save you up to a 1000lbs. Diamond and Vantacor are the only two options for LCBs.
- If you grid sample, 2.5 grids are more efficient than 5-acre grids. Yes, they cost more, but if you variable rate your lime, you will have a more uniform pH.
- Rate controllers on peanut sprayers are worth it.
- 20 gallons an acre will give you the best coverage.
- Seed emergence % drops off over 5mph if you are using precision plates. If you are not using precision plates, the seed emergence % drops off over 3 mph.
- O6G, 18RU, GA12Y, and 20HOs are still the top dogs. 20HOs don’t like it wet. TiftNVHG is a nematode variety that looks very good.
- Adding Micronized sulfur to fungicides is a good boost for leafspot.
- Diesel is projected to stay high.
- N is projected to stay high, P&K are projected to fall some.