Cotton: Be careful if you’re dusting in cotton on dryland. Trying to catch a light rain is risky because with the elevated temperatures this week, we could burn the seed. You may be better off putting the seed a little deeper if there is moisture about an inch or so down. Hill drop if you are worried about crusting from the slight chance we get some rain this weekend. Weed control is also a concern. I’ll always recommend using a PRE, but in some instances, it may be best to plant then come back as soon as the cotton emerges with an early POST. Call me, and we will talk through this scenario as there are several factors to consider, and each situation could be a little different.
Peanuts: Its hot and dry and crown rot loves it. Crown rot (aspergillius niger) symptoms usually occurs around 2 weeks after planting and is usually associated with rapid wilt and collapse of seedlings. Effective management of crown rot requires good quality seed, good seed treatments, and a good in furrow product. You can irrigate to cool the soil; that would help some.