April 2022

  • Wheat fields have started to flower which means the time has come to decide if a fungicide application should be made to protect from Fusarium Head Blight (FHB). In our area, FHB, also known as wheat scab, is most commonly caused by the fungus F. graminearum and can be devastating to commercial wheat growers resulting…

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  • Through the use of some research funds, I have purchased a spot-on sprayer calibrator. The innovative and highly effective digital spray tip tester provides accurate spray nozzle output readings in roughly 10 seconds. This allows us to confirm proper sprayer operations, choose the right nozzle for the job, as well as locating worn nozzles that…

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  • Cotton Reminders 2022

    Its almost time to plant cotton so here are some reminders. Fertiltizer Nitrogen: 1/4 to 1/3 of your total N rate at planting and then the remainder at sidedress. Preplant nitrogen is essential for early growth and to get off to a healthy start. If you do not put any preplant nitrogen out, you will…

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  • We are expecting to have another active hurricane season. The La Nina has continued, which weakens high atmospheric winds. This allows warm air pockets to grow and for warmer waters which develop hurricanes. La Nina Hurricane season officially starts June 1st, but we have had several named storms in May over the past several years.…

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  • We will have the Final Using Pesticides Wisely (UPW) Training on April 11th here at the Extension Office at 8:00 am. This training will approximately last 1 hour. You will receive credit for UPW and 1 hour of pesticide credit. If you came to the weed production meeting on February 2nd or the UPW meeting…

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