I’ve reached out to some of you about a sprayer survey that Dr. Prostko and Dr. Virk have sent out. We are looking at some potential research and trainings on sprayer and precision applications so this data will be very helpful in creating that. If you haven’t taken the survey you can find it at this link: https://ugeorgia.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2s1kVNAkBQl63JQ

Frost was hit or miss. I feel like the wind the day before the cold laid in was probably worse. I’ve seen lots of plants that the wind whipped. The cold sure didn’t help. Some cantaloupes and squash will need to be replanted. Most of the melons were slightly burned. A good bit of corn was burned as well. So far nothing catastrophic.

I’ve found a new app that lets me send out text alerts easier and so far it is working better than the one I have been using. The last app would send out messages to a random number of people and wasn’t very dependable. Hopefully, the new one will keep working.

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