Not much cotton was picked this week because of the rain and Eta. I think Eta changed directions about 17 times but now she’s projected to move across Florida and out into the Atlantic by Thursday night. I hate to keep talking about it but currently there is another tropical system in the Caribbean. NOAA is calling for it to move westward and start building once it hits the gulf, recent satellite images show it growing and shaping into a system. This has by far been a very active tropical season. Maybe we can get this cotton out soon.
It’s wheat planting time. Here is the Georgia Wheat Production Guide. There is a lot of good information here on variety selection, fertility, and weed management. Corey Bryant is our new corn and grain specialist. He’s been with us for about a year now but he came on right before the COVID restrictions were put in place. Dr. Culpepper has some good information on controlling ryegrass and wild radish in wheat.

The Farmer Appreciation Dinner has been postponed until next year. COVID restrictions really made it difficult to move forward with it this year and with it affecting several people in our agriculture community it was decided to hold off until next year.