A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Jeff Davis County Extension

June 2020

  • Hot and dry weather can bring on a myriad of issues for peanut farmers. Right now we are seeing lesser cornstalk borer infestations and they are on the rise. Growers should be scouting for moths, silk tubes at the soil line and caterpillars in their peanut fields.

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  • Peanut seed saved from last year went through a lot of hot and dry weather. This can lead to a build up of pathogens in and on the seed. Good seed treatment and in-furrow fungicide applications can and do help, but sometimes that is not enough.

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  • UGA Cattle Specialist Offer Options for Cattle Producers: Current situation, producers are looking at ways to maintain economic livelihood.  One of the ways they can achieve this is through retaining ownership of the calves past weaning.  This can take on different meanings, depending on the length ownership, and the goal.

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  • Every peanut farmer in Georgia will benefit from some disease management program and, for most growers, fungicides are at the heart of such a program. Growers are aware that a fungicide program generally begins approximately 30 days after planting, but the exact starting date is effected by several factors, to include the history of the…

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  • Once the peanut crop is in the ground it’s time to start considering how to manage it, and specifically how to manage irrigation.  The simplest method is the UGA Checkbook in Figure 1 below.

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  • Similar to peanut, cotton does not require very much irrigation during the first month or so of growth and in some cases if adequate rainfall is received cotton can go up to squaring and even bloom without additional irrigation applications.

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