A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Jeff Davis County Extension

It has been such a warm spring everyone is itching to get into the field and start planting. For peanuts it needs to be 68 degrees at the 4 inch soil depth for 3 consecutive days with no cold front predicted. If you look at https://www.georgiaweather.net/ you can select the nearest weather station to you and see the current soil temperatures. You can also look at the historical or weekly data to see how conditions have been. On the Baxley station we are sitting at 69.2 degrees at the 4 inch depth. For the last week the average has been 73 degrees. Recent rains have cooled the soils some.

This year we are expecting some issues with seed quality. Look at your peanut seed germination before planting. Many things will play into getting and keeping a good stand. For more information on peanut planting and fertility you can look at the quick guide on the web: https://peanuts.caes.uga.edu/

They have also just added a link to the NEW online PeanutRx: https://peanuts.caes.uga.edu/extension/peanut-rx.html

If you have any questions or concerns about planting or seed quality, reach out to your County Agent.