nut casebearer

  • Following pollination, as we advance into the growing season, those tiny nutlets on terminal branches of pecan trees are potentially exposed to feeding by pecan nut casebearer (PNC) caterpillars. The adult moths of this species emerge out of their overwintering stage in the spring and are often active in pecan orchards from mid-April onwards. No…

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  • As we are getting into the early nut development stage, the primary pest of concern for us is the pecan nut casebearer (PNC). Whether we consider PNC to be a serious pest or not, all depends on the crop load in that given year. In a year with heavy crop on the trees, a light…

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  • INSECT UPDATE: Pecan Nut Casebearer

    It’s that time again to be mindful about pecan nut casebearer (PNC) activity especially after the infestations reported by some growers last year. We normally do not recommend spraying for nut casebearers particularly during high crop load years as they help in thinning out the crop, and only spraying for them after scouting for presence…

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  • It’s that time of the year again that these moth pests are out and about. Bud Moth. There have been calls regarding bud moth problems with young trees recently. Symptoms include rolled leaves and dead terminals (pictures below). To confirm infestation, check the rolled leaves and you would find a caterpillar inside. Bud moth adults…

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