A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Resources for GA MGEVs

Georgia Master Gardeners, help protect your community from wildfire with a training on fire-resistant landscaping. This six-week (July 20 – August 31, 2024), user-friendly online course includes videos and activities for completion for Advanced Training credit of 6 hours. A printed, full color, spiral bound workbook is shipped UPS to class participants prior to the course start date.

Every year, hundreds to thousands of wildfires occur in the southeastern U.S. Fortunately, there are actions that homeowners and communities can take to protect their homes from wildfire, such as firescaping. Fire-resistant landscaping, or firescaping, is a landscape design that reduces the vulnerability of a home and property to wildfire. The Preparing for Wildfires with Firescaping training teaches participants why and how to create a firescape. With this knowledge, participants can help reduce their own home’s risk as well as educate their communities about the importance of firescaping. The online training is a 6-week, user-friendly training that includes videos and activities on a variety subjects, including SE wildland fire history and behavior, plant flammability, firescape design and maintenance, home wildfire risk assessment, and how to combine firescaping with other landscape goals. The AT concludes with recommendations for sharing information with communities.

New materials will be released weekly on Saturday mornings. To earn an Advanced Training certificate, individuals need to complete the coursework (12 quizzes and 6 activities) in the 6-week timeframe of the course. Participants need to be able to access course lecture videos and assignments via the online classroom site. Reference materials will be shipped to participants via UPS. Those who receive this training are expected to assist their respective county Extension office by providing educational instruction and outreach addressing firescaping. AT Category: [UFE, SGL]

  • Course dates: July 20 – August 31, 2024
  • Course capacity: 30 current, active GA MGEVs
  • Deadline to register: June 30, 2024
  • Fee: $40 (includes shipment of printed course workbook)
  • Registration FULL
    • When using the online registration, please Checkout as Guest by simply entering your email under Contact Information. You do NOT need to use “Login” or “Register Now”. Please complete your registration by entering your email address, clicking “Checkout as Guest,” and then proceeding to the payment step.