To each Georgia Master Gardener,
Just a note to tell you how much you are appreciated as a Master Gardener Extension Volunteer! For starters, your enthusiasm is unrivalled! If we say “plants,” you are all smiles! Your encouragement to each other and your willingness to teach basic gardening tasks, like how to sow seeds, take cuttings, and set plants in the ground, are simply unmatched. This enthusiasm shines through Extension programming, making our clients feel so welcome and comfortable.
We are thankful for your willingness to take on projects of all shapes and sizes! Very rarely do you say no. Rarely, do you protest when time is short. Instead, you get behind your agent or program coordinator, powering through the event or activity. You are not afraid to offer all kinds of solutions and options in order to make the project happen. Your support truly makes a difference in how we extend our programming.
You are great fun to hang out with! You know THE best nurseries, plant sales, and gardens to visit! Not only do you talk plants, but you put together great meals and celebrations. We have heard many times the appreciation that “Master Gardeners sure can cook!” It is this gesture of hospitality, to welcome and nurture others, that really keeps people an active part of our program for years and years.
Your dedication is admirable! Volunteering hundreds of hours in the heat, humidity, and other weather extremes we experience takes great commitment. You love plants and believe in their power to transform people and communities, and and you honor your commitment to help those around you grow.
Thank you for pouring your time, energy, and enthusiasm into your role of Master Gardener. You inspire so many others (including us!) to be their best and to give those plants one more try.
Happy Gardening!
-Sheri and Sarah