from IMGC 2023 Awards webpage:
The David Gibby Search for Excellence (SFE) Awards recognize the outstanding volunteer work of Extension Master Gardeners (EMG) throughout the United States. SFE includes seven categories in which EMGs can demonstrate meaningful contributions to their communities. All SFE applications must show that significant learning took place, whether by the EMGs or the general public. SFE is designed to recognize outstanding group projects and not an individual who does outstanding work.
SFE Awards are named for Dr. David Gibby of Washington State University who in 1973 created the Extension Master Gardener program. Dr. Gibby trained volunteers with a passion for gardening to assist Extension with consumer horticulture education in the community.
Applications will be accepted through February 6, 2023. Virginia Tech University is responsible for the awards process. Complete information about the process can be found here.