MGEVs, are you part of the media team in your local program? Do you write articles for local newspapers? your office blogs or websites? contribute to your county Extension’s social media sites? If so, then this post is for you!
You might use this list as a source of article ideas to cover more in depth. You might want to re-post to your county blog site to share with people in your county. As with any of our written materials, please share with your Extension agent first prior to publishing!
As summer winds down, make plans to remove old and spent foliage from warm-season annuals and summer-blooming perennials. Any non-diseased plant debris can be composted.
You can enjoy a fresh planting of warm-season annuals, such as petunias, marigolds, and coleus, as many areas in the state may have as many as two more months before frost.
Consider adding cool-season annuals to your landscape.
Fall is a fantastic time to add perennials and bulbs to your garden. Use your time walking in the garden to look for spaces to plant. Spring-flowering bulbs are usually available from retailers in late September and can be planted in late October/November. Perennials are widely available throughout the year.
Enjoy the emergence of fall flowering bulbs, such as Lycoris and Crocus sativus.
Check mulch levels throughout the perennial garden, pulling back from crowns of perennials. Plants may rot in winter if mulch is too thick over their crowns.