MGEV Marjorie Stansel is a BUSY lady! She is a MGEV in Douglas County and works two mornings a week in the Vegetable Garden and two mornings a week at their greenhouse (plant sale in early May). She is an officer in the local association as well as GMGA. She is actively involved in her granddaughters’ lives that revolve around soccer, chorus, 4-H, etc. AND she works with Junior Beta and Girl Scouts, involving them in a Nature Trail workday.
Keeping track of all of those MGEV hours is one more thing on her list of things to do. MGLOG can help!
Each time Marjorie volunteers at the Vegetable Garden, an approved project in Douglas, she can use MGLOG to enter her hours. In fact, she can use her smart phone to log in from the parking lot. Those hours can be entered before the mud dries on her garden boots! Here’s how to enter her volunteer hours in MGLOG:
1. Log in to (There is a password recovery option on the webpage.)
2. Using the Menu button (green square with white lines), choose “”Add Vol Hours”
3. Indicate the “Project” on which you volunteered. On a computer, this is a drop-down list. On a smart phone, this may be a rolling list. Choose the project on which you worked.
4. Enter the “Date” when you volunteered.
5. Type in the number of “Hours” that you volunteered on this date on this project.
6. In the “description” block, you can enter a BRIEF description of what you did (optional)
7. Record the number of miles that you traveled (optional)
8. MGLOG auto-calculates the value of your time based on current volunteer hourly rates published by the Independent Sector.
9. Enter any “phone contacts,” “personal contacts,” or “written contacts” made during this time.
10. Press “Insert Record”. The record of volunteer service is then entered in your “My Vol Hours List.”
On a smart phone, there are wonderful arrows (< and >) to move between the fields. You also have the option of adding another entry right after this. Very simple and easy!
PLEASE NOTE: Most counties have uploaded MGEVs into MGLOG and have added the projects on which you are working. However , there are a few counties still working on this. If MGLOG does not have you in the system, don’t panic! Most likely, your agent or coordinator is still preparing MGLOG for you to use. Watch for further details from your agent or coordinator.