The GACAA Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference was held November 5 -7, 2018 at Legacy Lodge at Lake Lanier. Congratulations to Keith Fielder and all who assisted him in hosting a great meeting. There members got an opportunity to plan, present and fellowship with other agents from around the state. It was also a chance to recognize those agents that are doing outstanding programs and extension work. If you were unable to attend, we missed you and hope that you can be with us next year!
The GACAA AM/PIC is also where we hold our business meeting and where we elect and install new leadership. The 2018-2019 GACAA Officers are:
President – Keith Fielder, Putnam County, NE District
President-Elect – Brent Allen, Washington County, SE District
Vice-President – Gary Hawkins, State Staff
Secretary – Carole Knight, Bulloch County
Treasurer – Laura Griffeth, Webster County
Past President – Steve Morgan, Harris County
The Board is excited about the coming year and look forward to serving the membership.