This morning delegates from each state came together and voted in our new NACAA officers. Congratulations to incoming Vice President, Gene McAvoy; President-Elect, Richard Fechter; Secretary, Ginny Rosenkranz; and Treasurer, Lenny Rogers. The delegates also voted our 2021 meeting will be held in Philadelphia on July 4-8, 2021.
GACAA members will have the opportunity to come together as a group tonight have a State’s Night Out. While at the AM PIC, sometimes it is hard to see everyone from your state as you are all going to different directions. State’s night out is a great time to be together and celebrate our accomplishments while in Utah.
Speaking of accomplishments, congratulations to the following for displaying a poster and/or a presentation while here in Utah. AM PIC’s are a great opportunity to share our great work with other ag agents from across the country.
Keith Mickler – presentation
Mary Carol Sheffield – poster and presentation
James Morgan – poster
Tammy Cheely – presentation
Paul Pugliese – poster
Rolando Orellana – poster
Jessica Warren – poster
Tucker Price – poster and presentation
Jason Mallard – poster
Forrest Connelly – poster
Paula Burke – poster and presentation
Tim Davis – presentation
After State’s Night Out tonight, we will enjoy the viewing and bidding on various items at the NACAA scholarship silent and live auctions. Last year’s NACAA auction totaled over $10,000.