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Strong winds and ice storms create stress factors in trees that can break branches, snap trunks, and expose or lift roots from the ground. Trees with minor damage may be salvageable, but severely damaged trees pose hazards for people and property, and should be removed. Before beginning any work on a storm-damaged tree, carefully assess…
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Barbara Worley, FACS Agent, UGA Extension Forsyth County Corn is a delicious and nutrient dense food that’s used as food for humans and animals throughout the world. Fresh corn is 74% water and has 96 calories per ear. Canned corn has 133 calories per cup. A 1 cup serving of corn provides 5 grams of…
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Fall is still eight weeks away, but fall webworms are already eating tree leaves. These caterpillars stay safely in a silken web at branch tips, which they expand to other branches as they run out of food. While unsightly, the annual feasting of fall webworms usually doesn’t cause significant damage to mature trees.
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In honor of National Pollinator Week (June 19 – 25, 2017), we’re taking a look at the delicious and nutritious side of what our honeybee pollinator friends produce for our use and enjoyment. You can find local honey at the Cumming Farmers Market, across from the fairgrounds on Castleberry Road, on Wednesday and Saturday mornings.
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Eggs are a nutritious, low-calorie source of protein and a top Georgia agricultural commodity. One large egg contains just 70 calories. Eggs contain 14 vitamins and several minerals, including choline and vitamin D. The incredible egg is low in saturated fat and a complete protein that is part of the Protein food group.
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Severe and extreme drought afflicted much of the south last year, and 12 metro-Atlanta counties are still under level-2 drought conditions. Because of drought, this spring, we’re seeing delayed green-up in warm-season lawns and numerous issues with trees and shrubs, such as twig and branch dieback, poor flowering and fruiting, and plant death.
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Finally! The days are getting longer and the weather is beginning to warm up! Spring is right around the corner. It is the time of year when one starts to think of all of the young fresh vegetables that will be available in the coming weeks to welcome the flowers as they begin to bloom, and the…
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Forsythia are blooming beautifully around Forsyth County, and some of our early blooming trees and shrubs are budding out. In my yard, crocus and azaleas are blooming together. For many plants, however, the effects of last year’s record drought are becoming evident. Projections are that the drought will continue in March for the northern part…
Posted in: ANR