Meet the family!
Auntie Giang “Gia” Ullman
Francesca “Frankie” Siobhan Teagan
Uncle Harrold “Harry” Ullman
Frankie is an Extension food safety specialist at UGA. Her aunt and uncle bring the tastiest foods to family functions, but she always has to remind them (and everyone else) about keeping everyone’s food safe without skimping on flavor! Refresh your food safety knowledge alongside Auntie Gia and Uncle Harry as Frankie helps them stay food safe. This new monthly comic is a collaboration between UGA Extension food safety experts in the CAES Department of Food Science and Technology and the Office of Marketing and Communications.

Dialogue from the comic provided below for those who use screen readers or other assistive technologies. Comic panel descriptions included in alt text.
Auntie Gia: “Oh no, I wonder if my niece, Frankie, at UGA can tell me if this is still safe to eat?”
Frankie (UGA Extension Specialist): “Thank you for calling UGA Food Science Extension, how can I help you? Hi Auntie Gia.”
Auntie Gia: “I turned off my crockpot last night but forgot to put my soup in the fridge until this morning. Can I reheat it now to feed to your Uncle Harrold for lunch?”
Frankie (UGA Extension Specialist): “Please don’t feed that to Uncle Harrold. Once you stop cooking hot food, you want to cool it in your fridge to below 40°F within 2 hours or else bacteria can grow. Don’t try reheating it either. Some bacteria form toxins which can survive the microwave or stovetop.
…don’t feed it Peaches, either. Dogs can get sick, too.”