The Candler/Evans Extension staff hopes to have some local data to share with growers on corn this year. A corn variety trial was planted in Evans County by Stephen Bell with the help of Candler/Evans County ANR Agent Ross Greene and the UGA Corn Specialist Corey Bryant last Friday April 2, 2021. The variety trial is located at Bell Farms off of HWY 169 on H.C. Hearn Rd. just south of Bellville, GA . The trial consists of seven different corn varieties from different seed companies with three replications of each variety. The extension staff have plans to monitor the trial throughout growing season and to collect harvest data at the end of the crop. The following varieties are planted in the Evans County Trial:
- Pioneer 1870 YHR
- Dekalb 69-69
- Dynagrow 58VC65
- Dynagrow 54VC34
- Local Seed 1577
- Local Seed 1506
- NK Syngenta 1661
If any grower would like to do a local trial on their farm contact the Candler/Evans ANR Agent Ross Greene at or your local Extension office.
Evans County Extension Office 912-739-1292
Candler County Extension Office 912-685-2408