With the holidays coming up, most of us will be purchasing and/or receiving holiday gift plants from family and friends. These gifts can bring joy to your life if they are cared for properly.
Watering holiday plants is critical. Too much watering can be just as adverse as not watering enough. Water plants when the soil is dry. Make sure that the pots have holes in the bottom to promote good drainage. Plants should be placed in an area where they will receive the most indirect light as possible. This extends the life of the plant. Ideal temperature for most plants is 60 – 70 degrees F. Avoid high temperatures (70 – 80 degrees F) and temperatures that drop below 55 degrees to avoid shortening the display life or causing injury to plant. Keep plants away from doors, heaters, and air conditioner vents.
Poinsettias are considered the most popular holiday plant and are known for their bright colorful bracts (irregular developed leaf at the base of the plant). There are red, pink and white varieties. The colored bract can last for months if they are cared for properly. Keep plants outside if the temperature falls between 60 -70 degrees F during the day but bring plants inside if the night temperature falls below 60 degrees F. Place the plants in high indirect light. Don’t allow them to wilt. When the soil becomes dry, water until the water drains out the bottom of the pot. Remember that Poinsettias are sensitive to the environment. Variations in temperature, improper lighting and watering are critical to the length of the plant’s life. These factors may cause the plant to wilt or shed leaves and flowers.
The holiday cactus is another plant that can be given or received as a gift. There are three types of holiday cacti that bloom at different times of the year and are found in flowers at Thanksgiving. The blooms of holiday cactus come in many colors including white, pink, red, purple and salmon-orange. All three need bright light and moderate moisture level. After six weeks of bloom, remove the faded flowers and fertilize. These plants can also be grown outside in the spring and summer in shaded locations. Stem pieces of three segments or more can be easily propagated. If properly cared for, holiday cactus should bloom at the same time each year.