A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

The UGA Pecan Beginners Class will be held this year in conjunction with the Georgia Pecan Conference. The Conference will be held March 28-30, 2023 in Perry, GA. The Beginners Class is held on March 28 and will include the basics of pecan production form start to finish. See below for the complete schedule of topics covered in the Pecan Beginners Class. If you are new to pecan production or simply need a refresher on some of the basics, you can register on-line at the Georgia Pecan Growers Association website. The registration for the course includes a copy of the Southeastern Pecan Growers Handbook and lunch the day of the class.

The main day of the GPGA conference will be March 29 and will include updates from the American Pecan Council, American Pecan Promotion Board, and National Pecan Federation, as well as research topics related to the areas of pecan disease, insect management, and horticulture. The final day, March 30, will conclude the conference with a morning tour of a commercial pecan orchard at Southern Pecan Orchards in Montezuma, GA.

UGA Beginner’s Pecan Production Course

9:00       Welcome                                                                                      

9:10       Cost of Pecan Production                                                                       

Lenny Wells, UGA Horticulture

9:30       Pecan Varieties                                                                                                                        

               Patrick Conner, UGA Horticulture             

10:15     Break

10:45     Pecan Irrigation                                                                          

Lenny Wells, UGA Horticulture

11:15     Pecan Tree Planting & Establishment                                   

Andrew Sawyer, UGA SE District Pecan Area Agent

12:00     Break for Lunch

               Meal Sponsored by Savage Equipment                                  

1:00       Pecan Insect Management                                                                                                   

Apurba Barman , UGA Entomology

1:45       Pecan Fertilization

Lenny Wells, UGA Horticulture

2:30       Break

2:45       Pecan Disease Management

  Andrew Sawyer, UGA SE District Area Pecan Agent

3:15       Hedge Pruning Pecan Trees

               Lenny Wells, UGA Horticulture

3:35       Pecan Weed Control

Andrew Sawyer, UGA SE District Area Pecan Agent

4:00       Pecan Equipment

Lenny Wells, UGA Horticulture

Peanut/Field Corn/Soybean Weed Control Recommendations

You can find cedar rust (orange blotches) on some red cedars now. It does little damage to infected limbs and no action needed for cedars. Image by Jean Williams-Woodward
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