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This could be due to fig rust. The fungus Cerotelium fici causes fig rust, which attacks the leaves in late summer. Leaves that have been severely infected turn yellow-brown and drop. Numerous small, slightly raised, reddish brown spots will appear on the underside of the fallen leaves. These areas are frequently covered in a dusty…
Posted in: Fruit -
This time of year I get a question or two about growing broccoli in the home garden. This vegetable is in the Brassica family and can be grown in the early spring or fall. Let us discuss some points to consider for your fall crop of broccoli. Gardeners need to start their seeds at the…
Posted in: Veggies -
Fall is approaching when Chrysanthemums begin to appear in the big garden centers. Garden mums, or chrysanthemums, bring in vibrant fall colors like red, white, and yellow. Garden mums add color to your landscape while filling in the gap between summer annuals and winter pansies. When you’re at the garden center, look for great looking…
Posted in: Ornamentals