A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

News, events, and happenings in Colquitt County agriculture.

The weather forecast for Tifton and many other areas of south Georgia over the next 10 days is not great (> 85 F and < 35% chance of rain).  Consequently, growers are wondering if it is a good or bad idea to irrigate cracking peanuts that received a PRE application of Valor.  Growers are very conscious of the fact that the potential for Valor injury significantly increases with moisture especially around the time of peanut emergence.  

I am of the opinion (based upon 20+ years of research/field experience with Valor) that if a grower needs to irrigate a Valor treated peanut field in order to get a good stand, he/she should do so.  What is worse?  A crappy peanut stand or Valor injury?  The impacts from a poor stand are more detrimental than Valor injury.  Production/history/research over the last 20 years has confirmed this.  Also, an irrigation event of 0.3″-0.5″ over several hours is not the same as a 2″ rain in 20 minutes!

I recently completed a 3 year study where the main goal was to try and injure the peanut crop by subjecting the field to as much irrigation/rainfall as possible,  In these studies, the peanuts received anywhere from 7.8 to 11.2 inches of rainfall/irrigation in the first 30 days after planting (Table 1).  Yes, the peanuts did suffer from Valor injury (as expected) but they recovered without yield loss even at a 2X rate (Table 2). UGA does not recommend the use of 6 oz/A of Valor (also not labeled) but this high rate was used to demonstrate peanut tolerance and simulate worse case scenarios.

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