The first case of Crown Rust in oats has been identified here in Colquitt County. When deciding if, how, and when to manage the disease, there are a few important points to consider. First, is your crop infected? The disease looks like a typical rust. See images below for illustrations.
Second, what is your goal for the crop? If your goal for the crop is winter grazing, a fungicide application may not be needed unless severe infestations occur or if you intend to graze much later. Grazing keeps inoculum levels relatively low. If you have rust now, graze as soon as possible. You might consider letting the animals graze the forage slightly lower than normal. If you intend to harvest for silage, hay, or even grain- a fungicide application will most likely be needed to avoid incurring severe yield loss. This disease likes periods of mild temperatures. Climate predictions for this winter indicate that wild temperature swings like we have already experienced will be the norm, so we will likely experience very favorable conditions for disease development throughout the winter. Hence, this disease has the potential to be severe.
See fungicide recommendations below (click image to make larger). PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ THE LABEL FOR RESTRICTIONS!!!
Call me if you need anything!