A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

News, events, and happenings in Colquitt County agriculture.

This week I planted a cabbage variety trial in Colquitt County with our new UGA extension vegetable horticulturalist, Dr. Tim Coolong (pictured below). Dr. Coolong comes to us from the University of  Kentucky where he held the same job title. I have gotten the chance to work with Dr. Coolong on a number of issues since he began in July. We are lucky to have him, and I know he will do some great work here. The trial we are working on includes 16 varieties, 2 red and 14 green. We are collecting data on several plant characteristics that are important to the cabbage industry from plant vigor to black rot resistance. Once the trial is complete, I will post a summary of all the results here on the blog.

Big thanks go to Mr. Jerry Baker for allowing us to us his land, equipment, and providing some great labor!


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