NOAA released their latest summary for May, spring (March-May) and year to date for the US today.  You can see the summary at  The summary shows that for May, the country as a whole was fairly close to the long-term average, although some regions were colder or warmer than average, particularly the Pacific Northwest.  Precipitation was quite variable, with some areas like the Mid-Atlantic very wet while much of the Southeast was dry.

cd may 2016 temp map  cd may 2016 precip map

For spring (March-May, nearly the entire country was well above normal in temperature, and most of the nation (with the exception of the Southeast and most of the Northeast) was dry.

cd spring temp map  cd spring 2016 precip map

For the year to date, most of the country is much above average; the only exception is a few climate divisions in southern Alabama and Georgia.  If this trend continues, this could be one of the warmer years on record.  Precipitation for the year to date was highly variable, with very wet areas in Texas, the Central Plains, and parts of peninsular Florida.

cd jan-may 2016 temp map  cd jan-may 2016 precip map