While we don’t have as much beef production in the Southeast as there is in other regions of the country, there may still be some folks interested in this upcoming conference on beef production and methane.  Here is the press release describing it.


* Beef Methane Conference is May 11-12 in Lincoln

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ATTENTION: News, Agriculture Editors

WHEN: May 11-12

WHERE: Cornhusker Marriot Hotel, 333 S. 13th St., Lincoln

CONTACT: Galen Erickson, Professor, Animal Science, 402-472-6402, gerickson4@unl.edu

Lincoln, Nebraska, April 20, 2016 — Beef producers, extension educators, veterinarians and others in the beef industry are encouraged to attend the 2016 Beef Methane Conference May 11-12, hosted by Nebraska Extension. The conference will be at the Cornhusker Marriot Hotel, 333 S. 13th St. in Lincoln.

Attendees will learn the latest on beef cattle enteric methane production, why it is produced, the impact of its production on the beef industry and what it may mean for beef producers.

Experts from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and other universities across North America and producer representatives will speak on methane emissions from beef cattle, which include topics such as separating fact from fiction for livestock and climate change and producer views on climate issues for the beef industry and production of enteric methane. Topics will focus on reduction of enteric methane production, beef industry sustainability, the relationship between methane production and performance, and other air quality issues.

Registration begins at 2 p.m. May 11, with a welcome at 3 p.m. Pre-registration is available at https://go.unl.edu/beefmethane. Registration is $50 if pre-registered by May 4 and $75 the day of the event.

Dinner will be provided May 11 over a discussion of the North American beef industry, and lunch will be provided May 12. The meeting will adjourn by 5 p.m. May 12.

For more information, contact Galen Erickson at (402) 472-6402 or gerickson4@unl.edu. For updates and the schedule, visithttps://beef.unl.edu/livestock-and-the-environment.

Source: ARS
Source: ARS
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