Yesterday we visited the site for the Georgia State Climatologist.  Today we look to the south to Florida.  The Florida Climate Center is located at Florida State University in Tallahassee.  David Zierden is the State Climatologist for Florida, ably assisted by Melissa Griffin, the assistant state climatologist.  You can visit their web site at

The Florida Climate Center is one of the most active state climate offices in the region.  They provide a variety of information to stakeholder groups and participate in many regional meetings.  They also work with 4-H groups to provide educational materials that have been previously described in this blog.  You can follow their tweets at @FLClimateCenter.  The office is also involved with using data from the FAWN mesonet of weather stations to provide information to agricultural producers throughout the state.

You can find friendly climate services from the folks in Tallahassee.  Look for their contact info at their web site and feel free to call them for your climate data needs.
