A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Recent Posts

  • Spots still available! Register now for Camden County Extension’s Master Naturalist Course! This series of weekly programs uses hands-on environmental education to explore habitats, ecosystems and human impact. The course will take place on 9 Fridays from March 3, 2023 thru May 5, 2023 (no class March24th) and lasts from 9 am until 3 pm.…

  • Citrus Issues in the Home LandscapeArticle by: Jessica Warren, ANR Agent – Camden County One of the joys of living in Coastal Georgia is being able to grow plants than can’t survive the temperatures in most of the state. Some species of citrus are among these plants and can add a delicious addition to the…

  • The Camden County Extension Office will be closed for the holidays beginning 12/23/22 at noon – 01/02/23. Hope everyone enjoys a safe and happy holiday!

  • Sago Palms – Pros, Cons, & CareArticle by: Jessica Warren, ANR Agent – Camden County Sago palms are a popular, and generally low-maintenance, plant here in Coastal Georgia, but many homeowners understand little about these plants or how to care for them. For a start, sago palms are not actually palms at all, but a…

  • Camden County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, Jessica Warren, will continue offering virtual lunch and learn classes in 2023. Classes will be held once a month on the first Thursday of each month (except August, which is on the second Thursday of the month). All classes are recorded and an archive link will be emailed…

  • Basic Palm Health and ManagementArticle by: Jessica Warren, ANR Agent, Camden County One of the perks of living on the coast is palm trees. Our native cabbage palm grows wild in our maritime forests, and a variety of species are integrated into commercial and residential landscapes. There’s nothing else that gives you the laid-back feeling…

  • Composting at Home

    Composting at HomeArticle by: Jessica Warren, ANR Agent, Camden County As we try to create more sustainable and lower maintenance home landscapes, one of the greatest, cheapest and easiest tools available to us is composting. Composting is the recycling of organic materials where organic components of the solid waste stream are decomposed to produce a…

  • Georgia Sentinel Landscape Prescribed Fire Initiative The Georgia Sentinel Landscape Prescribed Fire Initiative cost-share program is currently accepting applications for the FY2023 funding cycle. This program is available to private landowners in more than 60 counties who are interested in conducting prescribed burning on their properties. This funding cycle will encompass prescribed burns from December…

  • Blueberry Fruit Quality Webinar – Factors Impacting Fruit Quality When: October 13th, 2022 | 7:00 p.m. Topics to include: Diseases & Pests, Environmental Stresses, Harvesting & Handling, and Field Inputs & Practices Zoom Link to Attend Webinar: https://zoom.us/j/96479350586?pwd=OFZDVWozaXFvMk9oSU5BNm01UTVqZz09 We have had some quality issues predominantly in commercial rabbit eye production. Some of the Blueberry team…

  • This class will be hosted by the Camden County Extension Office When: Friday, October 28th (8:30am – 4:30pm) Where: 1409 Georgia Avenue, Woodbine, GA 31569Directions Link Registration: Register in person at the Camden Extension Office1409 Georgia Avenue, Woodbine, GA 31569Cash or Check Only – Make checks payable to: Camden County Extension Class Description:This full-day, hands-on…