Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin) Facts:
- This is an invasive, deciduous tree that is native to southwestern and eastern Asia.
- It was introduced to the US as an ornamentsl in the 1700s. It is not spread broadly throuthout the eastern US.
- It often invades distrubed areas, old fields, roadsides, etc.A small tree that is 10-50 ft tall, often having multiple trucks and a broad canopy.
- Foliage is arranged alternatel and bipinnately compound (6-20 in long), with 20-60 leaflets per leaf. Silk tree liaves have a fern-like or geatherly appearance.
- Flowers in early summer, when very showy, fragrant, pink flowers develop in clusters at the ends of the brances.
- Fruit is a flat, 5in long seed pod that develops in the late summer then truns from green to brown and persists through winter.
- Reproduces by root sprouts and by seed that remain viable for many years.
- Trees can form dense strands.
To report sightings: Reporting, maps, and more on invasive, pest, and biocontrol species