Nitrogen Management in Corn… To increase the efficiency of nitrogen recovery during the season, split applications of nitrogen are recommended. Apply 25 to 30 percent of the projected nitrogen needs before or at planting. The remaining nitrogen can be applied side dress and/or injected through the center pivot systems (fertigation). If all the nitrogen is applied with ground equipment, apply 50 to 75 pounds per acre at or before planting under irrigated conditions and 20 to 50 pounds per acre in dryland environments and the rest when the corn is 12 to 16 inches tall. If nitrogen is to be injected through the irrigation system, apply 40 to 60 pounds at or before planting and begin ground or injected applications of 30 to 60 pounds of nitrogen per acre when the corn is 8 to 12 inches tall. Continue on a bi-weekly basis until the total required nitrogen is applied. Three to five applications of nitrogen will be needed during the growing season. Nitrogen applications after pollination are NOT recommended unless a severe nitrogen deficiency is detected.