Some Reminders Before Field Corn Planting (Prostko)
Based upon my 22 years of experience in Georgia, here are 3 things that I know will happen somewhere in a patch of field corn in 2021:
1) Herbicide carryover will be blamed for corn injury but low soil pH is the real problem (Figure 1). Favorable average soil test results and/or “grid-sampling” do not guarantee that there are no areas of low soil pH in a field.
2) Herbicide carry-over will be blamed for corn injury but nematodes are the real problem (Figure 2). In my opinion, nematodes are much more of a problem than is currently perceived by many.

3) Valor (flumioxazin) injury, from either sprayer contamination (i.e. improper cleanout) or drift will occur (Figure 3). Good news is that depending upon rate and stage of growth, field corn has some tolerance to Valor (Figures 4 and 5).
Posted by UGA Weed Science at Thursday, February 11, 2021Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest
Enlist™ Soybean Variety Data – 2020 (Prostko)
UGA-OVT just recently released the results of their 2020 soybean yield trials. In those trials, several Enlist™ (2,4-D choline tolerant) varieties were included. There has not been much Georgia generated data about the performance of Enlist™ soybean varieties in our state. A quick summary of those Enlist™ varieties is presented in the following table.
Table 1. Enlist Soybean Variety Performance in Georgia – 2020.
Variety | Statewide Average Yield(Bu/A) | Maturity Group Average(Bu/A) |
DM 48E73 | 48.3 | 47.9 |
AGS 48E19 | 54.1 | 47.9 |
MS 4800E | 52.5 | 47.9 |
DM 59E01 | 65.1 | 62.5 |
ZS 5098E3 | 64.0 | 62.5 |
MS 5110E | 60.7 | 62.5 |
AGS 51E19 | 61.9 | 62.5 |
DM 51E01 | 61.6 | 61.7 |
Five of the eight Enlist™ soybean varieties in these tests had higher yields than the maturity group average. To get the full report of the preliminary 2020 UGA-OVT soybean yield results, check out this link: