Following is important information for Georgia cotton growers on a Section 24(c) special local need label for Liberty. Thankful for the dedication and work of Dr. Culpepper (our UGA Specialist) and GDA and BASF for getting this in place.
New Liberty 24 (c) state label to help Georgia cotton farmers (A. S. Culpepper). As a result of great team work with the Georgia Department of Agriculture and BASF, Georgia cotton farmers have a new Liberty label allowing shortened intervals between sequential Liberty applications which can improve weed control.
Research has shown understanding the time interval between sequential post applications is one of many critical components for an effective weed management system. The figure below compares 6 inch Palmer amaranth response to sequential Liberty applications as influenced by interval between applications. Obviously, one needs to spray Liberty when the biggest pigweed in the field is 3” for complete control and in this event a follow up application can be made when the next flush of pigweed reaches 3”. With the challenging weather during 2020, spraying all weeds at 3” or less may not be practical for some fields; thus, when pigweed is too large to kill with the first application then the second application timing is important.
DO NOT MAKE MORE THAN TWO LIBERTY APPLICATIONS in a season for resistance management purposes; follow the second Liberty application 10-12 days later with a layby directed application including conventional chemistry such as Diuron + MSMA + Crop Oil or Roundup + Diuron (add Envoke with layby if morningglory or nutsedge is an issue; check carryover)!
Few critical points from the label: 1) One must have 24 (c) label in hand when making application; 2) Liberty may be applied twice over-the-top of glufosinate-tolerant cotton as long as there is at least a 5 day interval between applications; 3) Do not include tank mix partners when making two applications less than 10 days apart. 4) Do not apply more than 36 oz/A overtop of cotton per application.
Click the following link to view the Liberty 280 SL FIFRA Sec. 24(c) Special Local Need Label: Liberty 280 SL NVA 2020-04-594-0079 shortened seq interval 04-14-2020b_24c GA-20003