Below is some information from Dr. Culpepper (UGA Weed Scientist) on Direx 4L FIFRA 24(c) label in Georgia.
“Federal diuron labels only allow applications between 15 and 45 days prior to planting cotton and that our state label providing a more flexible and effective use of diuron at burndown had expired. Thanks to the help of ADAMA, the Georgia Department of Agriculture, and the U.S. EPA, our growers once again have a state diuron label with flexible and effective use patterns to combat Palmer amaranth and other problematic weeds just prior to planting. Make sure growers understand that “strip-till” by our definition includes a ripper shank. ***Direx 4L by ADAMA is the only diuron product available in Georgia with the shortened plant-back interval. The 24(c)-SLN label is presented below (click on pictures to view better quality picture and/or download:”