Worth County Agents, Scott Carlson and Bryce Sutherland, were invited to teach about plants and agriculture at Worth County Primary School for Colonial Day (1st Grade) and Native American Day (2nd Grade). Assisting the agents were Worth County 4-H’ers, Megan and Taylor Isdell. Students learned about agriculture in Worth County and about parts of a bean plant. The 1st and 2nd Graders were able to label plant parts and discuss the functions of those parts. Then each student had a chance to plant a snap bean seed to carry home and observe as it grows.
Were plants/crops important to Native Americans and settlers? Are they important to us today? The answer is a definite, “Yes”! We appreciate the opportunity to share with students at Worth County Primary School. During this harvest season and Thanksgiving holiday season, let us remember to be thankful for our many blessings. Happy Thanksgiving!