Aquifers are the source of water for many in the state of Georgia and Nationwide as well as Worldwide. Aquifers are the source of groundwater which is used by many for various purposes such as drinking, household uses, agriculture, food processing and many- many other uses. I wrote a Post here a few years ago about Aquifers and it can be seen here: Groundwater. Conserving this resource is something we all have to think about. As we go into drought situations, surface water sources are easy to see as they start to decline. However, as groundwater (or aquifer) sources starts to decline we can’t see that unless we watch sites such as the USGS well websites. Therefore thinking about water conservation is a necessity. I started thinking about this this morning when I saw the Municipal Sewer and Water article “Reducing Demand” which discussed how the Twin Cities are thinking about groundwater protection by working to provide means for homeowners to conserve water resources.