Each year, EPA holds SepticSmart Week to inform homeowners on proper septic system care and maintenance, assist local agencies in promoting homeowner education and awareness, and educate local decision makers about infrastructure options to improve and sustain their communities.
This year I will be providing you daily with some information on how to protect your septic system.
Today we will look at Protect It! and Inspect It!
Protecting your septic system takes on many forms with some of those being:
1. Don’t park, drive or allow heavy objects to sit on the septic tank or lines
2. Don’t install plants with large root systems over your septic system. Plants that are OK to plant include grasses and small rooted flowers. UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) has a publication titled “Ornamental Plantings on Septic Drainfields” which explains some ways to protect the septic system.
3. The CAES also has a publication titled “A Beginner’s Guide to Septic Systems” which provides information on the location, maintenance, and care for septic systems.
4. Be aware of what is flushed into the septic system. Generally the three things that should be flushed includes Toilet Paper, Water, and Poop/Urine.
Inspect your septic system. This can be done by noticing any issues in or around the septic system itself. If you see any problems call a septic system professional.
One way to protect and Inspect your septic system is to have the tank pumped every 3-5 years. This removes any oils, fats, and greases as well as any objects that do not dissolve and get broken down in the tank. This process will protect the leach or drainfield.
This graphic also provides some helpful tips on protecting and inspecting your septic system from Ingham Health Dept. @InghamHealth on #septicsmart.
For other information see the EPA septic website .
There is also information on the UGA CAES Water Resources website under On-Site Waste Treatment tab.