This weekend I attended the Georgia Association of Conservation Districts annual meeting.  On Friday night the dinner speaker was Representative Brooks Coleman (Ret.).  He talked about how he watched Roy Rogers as a young boy and still follows the principals set out by Roy Rogers.  One of those principals was “Follow the Golden Rule” [actually Number 8 on Brooks’ Riders Rules].  I was going through some of my mail today and the cover story for the January 2019 issue of Onsite Installer magazine was titled “Follow the Golden Rule“.   The sub-title was “Performing good works, including helping customers, employees, the poor in our communities, and the environment will bring honor and respect for the onsite industry.”  The sub-title states the onsite industry, but I would offer that following this for whatever you do and whatever industry you are involved with will be beneficial.


The article does discuss onsite waste installation of systems, but the author, David Steinkraus, discusses how treating others brings the honor and respect to the person.