I know that several vineyards in northern Georgia counties have experienced some cold damage; additional damage may come this evening. Mark Hoffman (North Carolina State) has provided some information that you may find to be of value. See the link below:
In addition, this blog does have several past posts that may be of value to you for review.
Bud break and risk of frost / freeze damage (March 20 2018)
Frost (again) and its management (April 25 2018)
Response to Cold-damaged Vines (May 19 2020)
Phil Brannen
Phil Brannen is a Professor in the Plant Pathology Department at the University of Georgia. He attended the University of Georgia for his undergraduate degree in Plant Protection and Pest Management, where he also received an M.S. in Plant Pathology, followed by a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Auburn University. He has extensive experience with disease management programs in numerous cropping systems. He serves as the extension fruit pathologist for Georgia – conducting research and technology transfer for multiple fruit commodities. His efforts are directed towards developing IPM practices to solve disease issues and technology transfer of disease-management methods to commercial fruit producers. He also teaches the graduate level Field Pathology Course, the History of Plant Diseases and their Impact on Human Societies Course, team-teaches the IPM Course, coordinates the Viticulture and Enology in the Mediterranean Region Course (Cortona, Italy), and guest lectures in numerous other courses throughout the year.