Please mark your calendars for our annual New Grape Grower’s Workshops.
The workshops will be held on Monday, December 16th at City Winery in Atlanta, GA and again on Tuesday, December 17th at Pleb Urban Winery in Asheville, NC.
Those interested in starting a vineyard or winery will greatly benefit from attending these workshops to learn about the industry and network with other in attendance.
Grape and wine specialists from Virginia Tech, North Carolina State University, and University of Georgia will give presentations that are pertinent to all new and/or soon-to-be industry members. Current grape and wine industry members from Georgia and North Carolina will also give presentations. The day will conclude with a networking session in the afternoon.
For now – this is FYI for everyone to mark their calendars and to spread the word. Please stay tuned for a full, detailed agenda with presenters, presentation topics, and times.