The latest forecasts for northern Georgia and surrounding areas show that scattered showers similar to what we are seeing today are expected to continue across the region for most of the next two weeks. These summer storms are very typical for late summer and because they are so scattered, getting rain from them (or conversely, staying dry) is a “hit or miss” proposition. The storms usually pop up by mid-day under the sun’s heating and die down at sunset. In the next week, it looks like Saturday and Sunday may have the most widespread coverage but there will still be some dry spots. The next dry period I am currently seeing is in the August 11-13 window, although that is pretty far out so that forecast could easily change. The long-range forecast puts most of the Southeast in drier than normal conditions in the August 10-23 period. Temperatures this week should be cooler than next week but I don’t see any big swings. The total rainfall for the next two weeks should be around 3 inches, or just a little above the long-term average.
The tropics are starting to heat up and there are two areas that are being watched for signs of development. The closer one looks like it will stay off the East Coast and drop most of its rain there so should not be a concern for us. The second one is so far out that there is nothing to be concerned about at this point.