The vineyard tour is scheduled for next Wednesday, August 8th.

Please see previous post here for tour details and information on how to pre-register, which is required. Note that you do not have to ride on the bus if you do not wish. You may opt to driver your personal vehicle if doing so better suits your schedule.

White County Farmer’s Exchange is sponsoring the event. We thank them very much for their continued support of UGA Extension Viticulture.

I am also pleased to announce that we have an additional sponsor since the last announcement of the vineyard tour. KES Science and Technology has developed an air purification technology that is being used by some wineries. Here is the cover page of their winery-specific application KES Science _ AiroCide. I’ll let Dave from KES Science and Technology explain more about this technology at the tour.  Thanks a lot for your involvement, Dave.

Image result for AiroCide

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