There will b a winemaking technical meeting held at Sweet Acre Farms on the 13th of March from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm.


9:30 am– Separation Anxiety: Observational Insights to Understanding Wine Filtration.

Presented by Maria Paterson, Filtration Specialist at Scott Laboratories.

Image result for scot lab logo


10:45 am– Break


11:00 am– Liquid tannins from oak and grapes. How they’re made, how to use them and when. Followed by a wine tasting on trials on Pinot Noir.

Presented by Marco Bertaccini, Country Manager AEB North America.

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Both presentations will provide an in depth discussion on the topics, and perhaps give winemakers a better understanding on how they might be used as tools in their winery.

Please RSVP to Matt Vrahiotes by the 11th of March at sweetacrefarms@gmail.c