Last week I was able to travel as a part of the UGA Extension Viticulture Team to Charlottesville, VA to attend my first American Society for Enology and Viticulture / Eastern Section (ASEV/ES) meeting. I have to say, the trip was definitely worth my time to attend. Not only were we able to tour the Charlottesville area and visit some of the biggest vinifera vineyards on the East coast, but we also had the opportunity to listen to many specialist and graduate students whose research is impacting how we grow grapes and make wines in the eastern US. There were several topics that were presented at the ASEV/ES conference that I feel everyone growing bunch grapes for wine production in Georgia should know about, and I’m sure the other agents that attended will speak on those. However, I wanted to reflect on what I learned about leaf removal and new trellising techniques that may have their place in Georgia as well.
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